In the Kitchen
Only boil the amount of water that you need. Most modern kettles have a measuring gauge on the side of the kettle which tells you the amount that is in the kettle. Others have the measurement in cups.
Dishwasher and Washing Machine
When using the dishwasher and washing machine you should make sure they have a full load before turning it on. On modern dishwashers and washing machines there is more economical setting that reduces the temperature of the water and the amount of time it takes to finish. You should also avoid using the pre-wash cycle. When purchasing a new one you should check the energy rating and make sure it is A rated.
Tumble Dryer
Using the tumble dryer is very expensive. When the weather is good you should hang your clothes outside to dry. A blocked filter increases energy usage. You should regularly clean the filter which gets clogged with fluff and fibres. Just like the little ball of fluff you get in your bellybutton when wearing a new t-shirt.
Fridge freezer
The temperature can be adjusted on fridge freezers so If you find the fridge is freezing things
at the back, you could turn up the temperature slightly which can save energy. Keep your fridge away from heat sources because it will have to use more energy to keep cold. You should also clean out your freezer regularly to avoid build up of ice which reduces space. Keeping the coils at the back of the fridge clean and dust free as well as space for ventilation at the top and sides helps the fridge to be more efficient.
Oven and Cooker
Cookers have different size hobs for the different sizes of pots and pans. So if you have a small pot or pan you should use a small hob which uses less energy. 20of the heat is lost when opening the oven door. So try and keep the window in the door clean so you can see your food cooking. Cover the pot with the lid while cooking so less energy is needed to boil the water or better still boil the water in the kettle and then add it to the pot. The kettle takes less energy and time.
In the living room
When you are finished watching you should always switch off the television not only with the remote but also switch it off using the button on the TV or unplugging it at the wall socket. Otherwise the television is on standby and is still using power. Remember when going on holidays to switch off all electrical items.
Radiators shouldn’t be covered or blocked by large objects like sofas. This blocks the heat and more energy is needed to heat the room.
The living room is generally the warmest room in the house. The doors should be kept closed in order to keep the heat inside. Doors should also be checked for drafts which bring in cold air.
In the bedroom
Are you afraid of the dark? Sleeping with the light on wastes energy. You can reduce the amount of energy wasted by 80% using energy saver light bulbs. They also last up to 15 times longer than a regular light bulb. The way to recognises energy saving bulbs is their unusual shape. It starts off dim and takes a minute for it to reach full brightness. Now you can sleep with the light on knowing that you are saving energy.
Phone Chargers and Laptop Chargers
When your mobile phone and Laptop is fully charged always unplug it to avoid using more electricity than needed. Some chargers continue to use power even when you mobile phone and laptop is not connected.
Electric Blanket
It is always nice to have cosy bed to get into in the winter. It’s best to turn it on 10 minutes
before you go to bed and to turn it off as soon as you get into bed. That way you don’t wake up in the middle of the night hot and sweaty and wasting energy because you left it on.
Hot Press Boiler
The boiler is located in the hot press. The boiler creates the hot water for the taps and showers in the house. It also circulates the hot water all around the radiators. The boiler should be insulated with a boiler jacket that can save up to 30of your heating bill. A timer can also be fitted to the boiler so it only switches on when it is needed. But remember to turn off the timer when going on holidays.
Attic Insulation
Insulation is made up of tiny pieces of fibreglass and is used to line your attic above all the ceiling in your house. It is normally yellow and looks a bit like candy floss but is very itchy if it rubs against your skin and can cause skin irritations. Hot air rises and likes to escape through the roof. Insulation helps to stop the hot air escaping by trapping it in your house. This means your house stays warm and cosy for longer. This helps reduce your carbon footprint because it takes less energy to warm up your home and it stays warmer for longer and you save money on your heating bill. Insulation should be 250 millimetre thick and can reduce your heating bill by 20.
For the outdoors
Solar Panels
Solar panels can be added to the roof which can heat water for showers and taps. A 3m solar panel can heat up 120Ltrs of water. After the fees of installing the solar panel the energy is free and doesnt release carbon dioxide.
Front and Back Doors
Draught proofing your outside doors protects them against the cold air. The cold air entering your house means more energy is used in an effort to keep it heated. This could save you up to 25 a year on your heating bills.
Closing the curtains and blinds can help reduce the heat loss through the windows. Modern windows have double glazing which further protect your home from the cold air. This mean it has two sets of glass panels that makes it harder for the heat to escape.
Outdoor Lighting
Solar powered lights are not very bright but can give just enough lights to be used to light garden paths. Porch lights can have sensors that turn on when someone is approaches the door. This saves you from leaving the porch light on all night.